Sunday, February 22, 2009

East of Eden - Episode 43 & 44

Alkisah drama ini ada berkaitan dengan sejarah senario politik Korea-Macau di tahun 90-an katanya. Info di bawah

Bersambung adegan Rebecca menembak Shin Tae Hwan. Tembakan sipi-sipi terkena lengan kiri Shin Tae Hwan. Lepas tu Shin Tae Hwan plak tangkap dan ikat Rebecca. Kemudian Dong Wook mari sebab Rebecca dah tipon dia sebelum tu suruh datang. Dan Shin Tae Hwan pon tahu bahawa Dong Wook adalah anak kandung beliau.

Dong Wook yang hangin satu badan membawa Shin Tae Hwan balik (dari riak wajah Dong Wook di atas). Tapi ditengah jalan Shin Tae Hwan di tinggalkan kek topi jalan sebab Shin Tae Hwan membebel tak henti-henti mengenai kisah silam yang menyebabkan Dong Wook keluar obor plak satu badan nya...hehe

Myung Hun pergi ke opis Dong Chul. Dong Chul ada meeting dan dia pon bersembang dengan Ki Sun (adek Dong Chul dan juga adik dia lah). Dia tanya bagaimana dengan mak

Ki Sun kata mereka sudah seperti satu keluarga yang tidak dapat dipisahkan walaupun Myung Hun mahu mencelah masuk ke keluarga Lee. Hyung sudah habis meeting,

"What's the matter? Didn't I tell you not to come here?"

"Hyung, I want to see mother one more time"

"What did you say?"

"No matter what others say, she's still my mother"

"There's no need for this"

"I want to see her"

"I say there is no need. What makes you have the right to see mother? Used two hand to pull down mother's new built house and smashing her furniture,was you right??"

"If Hyung were me, what would you do?"

Dulu si Myung Hun ni pernah menjahanamkan rumah mak Lee masa dia jadi anak Shin Tae Hwan. Episode awal2 dulu

"For Dong Wook you can give your whole life. Can you spare me a bit? In my body also flow the same blood as you Hyung"

Myung Hun sudah mula sebut pasal darah. Hyung pon cair sket bila sebut pasal darah...kekeke

Hyung cakap "Sekarang mak tak berapa sihat. Nanti dah sihat aku telefon kau"

Dan Dong Wook berada di luar opis Hyung juga ketika ini menyaksikan adik bradik sama darah ini dengan perasaan jeles

Dong Wook : "Shin Myung Hun, just continue being Shin Myung Hun. Although it is not the life you have chosen. But it's better to keep it this way"

Myung Hun : "Do you have the right to interfere in other people life? You should know how lucky you are all this while because of me. All that belongs to me, all are enjoy by you alone, till now. Since you have been so happy for so many years, its time to leave "

Myung Hun suruh Dong Wook berambus dari keluarga Lee, mana kala beliau juga sudah bersedia untuk berambus dari rumah Shin. Kerana darah, Myung Hun menuntut hak nya

"Hyung, what is Shin Myung Hun doing here? Is it because of brothers? That's why you are attracted, is it like that?"

"Lee Dong Wook"

"Don't be silly. Don't even try to find Shin Tae Hwan shadow on me. And not on Myung Hun face traces of father"

Di rumah Shin, Shin Tae Hwan pulang ke rumah lepas kena tembak dengan Rebecca dan selepas mengetahui kebenaran bahawa Dong Wook adalah anak beliau.

"The world is very interesting. The longer I live, the more interesting it gets. For my whole life, the child I took as my own flesh and blood, my son by birth, turns out not to be my own son. Who can believe that. Shin Myung Hun, can you believe that? You believed that. Knowing full well you're not my flesh and blood, how dare you sign Shin family will?"

Sebok dengan wasiat dia. Mak Shin beking anak dia dan kata Myung Hun sign Oh family punya wasiat. (Oh family sebelah mak dia)

Pok pet pek pet Shin Tae Hwan kemudian halau Myung Hun keluar rumah sekarang juga. Keluar sorang diri. Tidak dibenarkan membawak Tae Ho dan isterinya bersama. Apa daa.

"You Lee Ki Chul's son. Today, no, right now, get out of this house."

"That's not difficult at all"

"But you must leave alone. I won't let you have Tae Ho. You can't have Ji Hyun too. You leave alone. Understand? Arasoo?"

Keesokan pagi Myung Hun didapati hilang dan anak nya Tae Ho yang rongak satu gigi itu menjerit-jerit memanggil appa nya.

"Harabojiiii get my father back"

Appa telah pergi ke kubur bapak kandung dia dan kemudian pergi ke rumah mak kandung dia pula untuk memohon kemaafan dendam yang terindah

Kemudian Appa pingsan dan tumpang baring di dalam bilik Dong Wook menggunakan bantal dan selimut Dong Wook

Dong Wook balik rumah dan mendapati mak dia menangis tutup mulut. Dan dia cuak ingat sesuatu terjadi kat abang dia dan dia pon bergegas ke bilik dia. Di bilik dia nampak Myung Hun sedang tidur

Dong Wook dengan pantas mengejutkan Myung Hun dari tidurnya dengan kekasaran

"Eh kau buat apa dalam bilik aku ni? Keluar, keluarrrrr"

"Bilik kau kah? Kah? Kau jangan lupa the fact that aku, Shin Myung Hun adalah Lee Dong Wook sebenarnya. Kau yang sepatutnya berambus dari rumah aku ni"

Walaupun adegan ni agak getir tapi nak gelak tengok muka Dong Wook di atas...hehe

Tangan bertukar servis. Kali ni Myung Hun pulak cekak baju Dong Wook. Myung Hun mula membakar Dong Wook dengan mengungkit kebenaran

Jengjeng...kemudian Hyung pon enterprem untuk meleraikan kedua adik nya.

"Hyung, kau dengar kah apa dia kata? This guy, Myung Hun is claiming this house and room as his"

Kemudian Dong Wook plak mengungkit kisah lama.

Mak Shin telefon Dong Wook suruh datang ke hospital buat tengok Presiden Oh buat kali terakhir sebab dokter kata Presiden Oh dah tak de harapan untuk berhidup

Atuk Myung Hun mati dan Dong Wook pun ada datang. Selepas upacara pengkebumian, Myung Hun pesan kat Dong Wook supaya jaga Tae Ho dan Ji Hyun.

Ya kemudian Appa pon pergi dari tanah perkuburan itu. Sapa menyaksikan adegan ini pasti turut meraung bila mendengar suara tangisan Tae Ho memanggil Appa nya,

"Appaaaaaaaa, kajimaaaa (Appa jangan pergiiii...saya nak ikutttttt)"

Ampes nye Appa. Kau pergi juga ye

*credit subs WITHS2

Penemuan info

(Komen dari seorang peminat setia drama Eden di forum)

By tendoclan : OK I have this thought process going on......just hear some of my theories.....They are going to have to jump to 1998 ..maybe in the last two episodes. Because they seem to be in 1993 yet by some numbers I caught. I know that I am not Korean but have spent countless hours looking at newspapers etc online about Korean history. The casinos in Macau were under seige during this time from gang wars. Right around then the Portugese left and China took over and sent in troops to quiet them. Also in Korea they were cracking down as DW is doing and a main prosecutor was arrested for bribes...The gang companies went ligit and the electronic companies started with the big push for computer parts etc. Also the paperwork for the Taebeck (sp?) casino was completed to break ground. The student protestors were pardoned DW?...So all this has to come into place.....Do you remember when the girl in DW office knew about the kidnapping information and it was just played off as her intuition? Also her thing for DW? Also the tatoo on her wrist? Not common for women in Kora those days as well in the US? So who's to say she isn't a gang plant? Maybe she will be one of those butterfliess caught in the net after is all said and done. Maybe DC will have to hide for a few years and MH will have to run things. DW maybe wil find out about STH involvement in Macaou....Maybe the person that will be killed will be a secondary character like JH or thier mother. All well this is just theory..maddening for me

tendoclan,You are right about the history of Korea and Macao political scene. It is one of the most turbulent time for Korea with people in government and criminals working hand in hand in the black market to steal the country's money. It is also one that brought the economic recession and also change to korea. From there we have the push for reforms and innovation into the electronic and IT industry. But corruption was very bad and lots of innocent people suffered under this turmoil.The writer for Sandglass was very courageous to write a brillant script for this series in 1995-6 ( Freedom of speech was not common then). Acknowledge by most korean as one of the best in Kdrama history

For EOE it is very important to protray to the world that no one is above the law and also social justice to the lost lives so that history will not repeat itself again. It is a challenge task for the writer and the PD team. Whatever the reason behind, it cannot ignore and escape the fact that GUK , STH and DC have a hand in the black money saga and that in itself makes them the guilty parties to the people of korea.It is difficult for outsiders to understand unless you are a korean living through these times.
(credit EOE@soompi page 556)

Kagum dengan teori komen atas tu. Oh ya pihak prosecutor dan Dong Wook memang sedang siasat satu kes melibatkan jumlah wang casino yang besar apa nama slush fund dibawa ke luar negara secara haram. Suspek utama Presiden Guk. Dan masalah seterusnya orang kanan Presiden Guk ialah Dong Chul. Maka nanti Dong Wook akan siasat abang nya pulak. Dong Chul plak dulu pernah lakukan transaksi exchange black money secara terpaksa sebab dia nak selamatkan Dong Wook pada waktu tu. Bab ni memang tak faham den.

Dahsat sambutan drama ni. "Traffic was visibly lighter and pubs reported slow business as government officials, students and office workers alike headed home early to watch Sandglass, each Monday through Thursday evenings."

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