Monday, April 27, 2009

PC : Mother

Baru bukak cite pasal dia dah muncol lagi. PC Mother jam 11 pagi tadi. Mari cuci mata lagi. Berdesup lagi jiwa dan raga. Kekeke

Mother and son

come back selepas 5 tahun bertapa

Oh ibu kau disiram bayu pagiii

Aigoo bertuah nya ibu iteww...kekeke


Widowed for a long time, a mother lives alone with her only son. He is 28 years old, a shy and quiet young man. One day there is a terrible murder, and the woman's hopeless, helpless son becomes the prime suspect. There is no real evidence against him, but the police groundlessly suspect him almost instantly. The trouble is that there is no way he can prove his innocence. Eager to close the case, the police are happy with their cursory investigation and they arrest the boy. His defense attorney turns out to be incompetent and unreliable and a conviction seems inevitable. So, faced with no other choice, his mother gets involved, determined to prove her son's innocence.

Pengarah : Encik Bong (The Host)

*credit pics as labeled


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